Enhance your spiritual journey with these unique Mala Prayer Beads, handcrafted with 55 large vintage carved skull beads, perfect for avid Buddhists. The intricate design and craftsmanship of these beads make them a perfect addition to any collection of collectibles, showcasing an unknown country of origin. Each bead is handmade with precision and care, ensuring the highest quality of materials and workmanship. The Mala Prayer Beads boast a timeless elegance and beauty that can only come from the ancient art of bead making. These beads are perfect for meditation, prayer, or simply as a reminder of the beauty of the Buddhist tradition. Add this to your collection of spiritual memorabilia, or give it as a unique gift to someone special. This strand is about 44" long. This strand is vintage and from an estate of a woman that traveled the world and gathered many interesting items. Some of the tops or bottoms have separated from the beads but can easily be glued back because they are still in the original position. The beads are various sizes but are around 19 to 22mm tall and 18 to 19mm wide. #404C 8214-7 MC