Title: Kaffe Fassett's Brilliant Little Patchwork Collection Author: Fassett, Kaffe Publisher: Taunton Press Binding: Paperback Pages: 128 Dimensions: 9.90h x 8.00w x 0.50d Product Weight: 1.25 lbs. Language: English ISBN: 9781641552301 A new collection fromworld-renowned textile artist Kaffe Fassett. Kaffe Fassett's BrilliantLittle PatchworkCollection features 20 projects to quilt and stitch using all-new fabrics. Thecollection includes: - Easy patchworkprojects to quilt and stitch.- The celebrated, bold, and colorful Kaffe Fassett fabrics.- Over 200 gorgeous, vivid photographs throughout.20 fun, quick-to-stitch accessory projects. These little quilting projects are easy to make and stitchup fast (unlike full-size quilts). They can be fashioned over a weekend or afew cozy afternoons as Kaffe walks readers through each project step by step. Each simple project is infused with all the color andpizazz of Kaffe's larger works, mixing and matching bold colors and patternswith ease in projects like aprons, tablecloths, kimonos, cushions, and miniquilts. Quilters of all abilities will find this inspiring collection a welcome addition to their library. Authorized Dealer Ships Fast From The USA! Stock Photo- Actual Book Cover May Vary {{Overnight Shipping Available (10:30am CST Cutoff Time)}}